Lost in Your Currant

Sale Price:$20.70 Original Price:$23.00

The 790 members of Gatina station cultivate a total of 142 hectares. This breaks down to about a tenth of a hectare—or a few hundred trees—per farmer. Such small coffee ‘gardens’ makes it possible, vital even, to focus on specialty processing and increase the value per kilogram of cherry picked. Farm labor is usually entirely provided by family members, which can often make maintaining specialty cultivation and picking practices easier. Many of the farmers also grow tea, maize and legumes to consume or sell at local markets for additional cash income.
Cherry is pulped with a three-disc pulper and then fermented overnight. All water for pulping and fermentation is drawn from fresh rivers flowing from the many streams on Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares Mountains. Following fermentation, coffee is washed in clean water, soaked and spread to dry on raised drying beds. Parchment dries for 7 to 15 days. Throughout the drying process, parchment is frequently turned to promote even drying and covered during the hottest part of the day to maintain steady temperatures. Employees also inspect drying parchment and remove any damaged or discolored beans.  

Quantity: 200g

Format: Roasted Whole Bean

Origin: Kenya

Origin Type: Single Origin

Region: Nyeri

Variety: Batian, SL-34, Sl-28, Ruiru 11

Altitude: 1800+ masl 

Process: Washed

Caffeine: Full Caffeine

Brew Method: Filter/espresso

Roast Level: Medium

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