Night over the Rhône


“This coffee is named after one of our favourite Van Gogh paintings. There is brilliant yet delicate yellow fruits and florals shining through, not only from the natural terroir characteristics but from the very intentional human-led fermentation that Frank Torres has processed this lot with. Whether it is on a night in Arles or in a cup of coffee, this symphony of the natural world working hand in hand with human innovation to create a beautiful experience is one we always appreciate and champion.“

Finca La Indonesia is located in La Union, 90km from Pasto. Thanks to the efforts of farmers like Frank, this area has been transformed from one of illicit trade and violence, into a resilient community dedicated to growing specialty coffee. This farm is a Torres family inheritance known for exceptional coffee production for over 40 years. Frank has inherited a part of this farm and is in charge of overseeing all processing and farming practices. He is a Q grader who has been passionate about coffee ever since he was young. 

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Quantity: 200g
Format: Roasted Whole Bean
Origin: Colombia
Origin Type: Single Origin
Region: Nariño
Producer: Frank Torres
Variety: Geisha
Altitude: 1870 meters
Process: Anoxic ‘Reposado’ Washed
Caffeine: Full Caffeine
Brew Method: Filter/Espresso
Roast Level: Medium