Tropical Gusts
The traditional Sumatran wet-hulled process, called Giling Basah in the local language, removes parchment from the coffee at an earlier and high moisture content than other processes. Farmers pulp, ferment (in bags, 12 hrs) and dry for 3-4 days on their own farms, before pick up by the collector, Kardon, who collects from a group of 200 widows. While the widows’ families have been in coffee for over 200 years, they often face a knowledge gap after their husbands pass away. Kardon and his team, with the support of our importers, assist these farmers with training, farming practices and first-stage coffee processing. Kardon and his wife Yulinda, who manages the books, receive wet parchment from each producer where they further dry and hull it down to green beans. The acidity on this coffee, in Jindo's opinion, is very yellow and tropical, showcasing flavors not found through other processing methods.
Quantity: 200g
Format: Roasted Whole Bean
Origin: Indonesia
Origin Type: Single Origin
Region: Lintong, Sumatra
Variety: Sigararutang, LiniS795, Andungsari
Altitude: 1400 masl
Process: Giling Basah
Caffeine: Full Caffeine
Brew Method: Filter/espresso
Roast Level: Medium